The Watters District Council for Historical Preservation, Inc.

The Watters District Council for Historical Preservation, Inc. (WDC) is a Georgia not-for-profit organization that was incorporated on March 02, 2010. Initially, WDC took over the agenda of the recently disbanded Shannon Optimist Club, whose main objective had been that of cataloging, preserving, and presenting matters of local history. Thus, this objective is reflected in the WDC’s title “Historical Preservation”.
In addition, WDC’s objective is fully detailed in its corporate charter under the section “PURPOSE” as follows:
"The general purpose of The Council shall be that of establishing and maintaining an entity by which items and records of historical significance related to the political precinct area of Floyd County, Georgia, known as Watters District, and the immediate and surrounding vicinity, thereof, along with the heritage pertaining to the people of said area, be recorded, maintained, and preserved in such fashion as to be accessible by public display, open records and other means for and to the benefit of area residents, students and other interested parties."
The WDC is governed by an elected Board of Trustees, and is operated by an elected, seven member “Executive Committee” of officers and “at-large” members. General membership to WDC is completely non-exclusive. Anyone, and everyone, is cordially encouraged to participate… especially those interested in history and local heritage. There are no set dues required. Members are only asked to voluntarily contribute in-kind or in-substance as the need may dictate from time to time.
WDC meetings are generally held in the Shannon Scout Cabin, 40 Minshew Road (Shag Williams Park) Upcoming events and meetings are normally posted on the Council’s web site at Speakers of local interest are engaged to reveal local history. The Council has presented programs about the Cherokee Homes in the area, Sorghum Syrup Production, Civil War Connections, Bauxite Mining, Barnsley Gardens History, Textile Sports in Shannon, History of the Texas Flag and its ties to Floyd County, Bells Ferry, the Berry Waterwheel History and its ties to Hermitage, and Rome's Broad Street Genealogy. Most of these have been video recorded, and are available for viewing on WDC’s WEB Site.
The Watters District Council for Historical Preservation affords a proud tradition for its members. This little spot on the map is where many firsts took place. Its recorded history goes all the way back to the chronicles of Hernando De Soto, where it is recorded that he and his men spent the winter of 1530 here in what’s now Floyd County. This was only 38 years after Columbus had discovered the “New World”! De Soto’s visit, and the following 490 years, is now being chronicled and preserved as part of WDC’s “Historical Preservation” program.
Again, every interested person is encouraged become a part of the WDC and its very interesting and rewarding work.
For more on how the WDC came about, click: A SHORT HISTORY OF THE WDC.