The Watters District Council for Historical Preservation, Inc.

Brighton Mill Transportation Company
Shannon Transportation & Development Co., lNC., Completes Six Months of Successful Operation
Brighton's Warp and Weft Magazine - December 1942
During the past six months the blue and silver fleet of busses operated by the Shannon Transportation and Development Co., Inc., have traveled many thousands of miles in transporting Brighton employees to and from work. They have covered the highways and the county roads of Floyd, Bartow and Gordon counties. They have successfully met their schedule through all kinds of weather, from hard summer storms to winter's ice, and through many days of beautiful sunshine.
This record of achievement did not just happen of its own accord. This successful feat is the result of a carefully planned and executed program. Many hours have been spent by Mr. Hull in an effort to work out and put in operation a transportation system that would meet the needs of Brighton employees. Mr. Mack Teague and his drivers have exercised precaution in attempting to safely transport our people to and from work.
At the inauguration of the transportation system the statement was made by Mr. Morrison that Brighton employees would receive this service at actual cost, that the price of bus tickets would be reduced just as soon and as much as possible. The increase in passengers was slow at first, but as time went by tires became thinner, and many additional passengers began using the busses.
On November 1st the weekly charge was reduced from $1.50 to $1.25. Again on December 13th a further reduction became effective, the new price being $1.00. It was with some pride and a great deal of pleasure that these lowered prices on transportation were announced by the Shannon Transportation and Development Co. It is doubtful if cheaper transportation can be secured anywhere.
There have been many requests for minor changes in routes. Each request has received special consideration and wherever possible the requests have been granted. It is regretted that all of the desired changes cannot be made, but serving the greatest number in the most efficient manner has been the determining factor in considering changes.
It is the sincere hope of the officials of the Shannon Transportation and Development Co. that, with the cooperation of all employees, the coming year will be as successful as the past six months have been.
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