The Watters District Council for Historical Preservation, Inc.
The whole school body turned out for this photo of their new building in the Fall of 1940. Some could have been the parents of us Old Timers.
Model Old Timers Organization
Providing Model Alumni with a grand-scale reunion ever year
The Model Old Timers Organization held the tenth annual reunion on November 2, 2024 at Model High School Cafeteria, 3252 Calhoun Rd NE Rome GA 30161 . Pics and Videos from the reunion have been added to the site. We plan to have one in 2025. Details to follow.
MOTO WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2016 for the purpose of bringing together the older Model High Alumni each year for an annual reunion. Starting with the MHS Class of 1960, the organization each year adds the next succeeding class. The 2023 reunion included the Class of 68 and older. The 2024 reunion will be the Class of 69 and older. This ensures that there will always be an annual reunion for older alumni… right down to the last member of a class.
TRACKING AND COMMUNICATING with class alumni is the responsibility of CLASS COORDINATORS. This can be a daunting task so please reach out to your respective class coordinator to make sure your address, phone number and email address are up to date. A list of class coordinators can be viewed by CLICKING HERE. Your class roster can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.
PREVIOUS REUNIONS have been a real success with entertainment, food and a chance to visit with old friends. Reunions last about 3 hours with a sit-down meal that is served by local boy scouts. Of course, there is no time limit on how long you stay, so just come and have a meal with us even if you do not have time for the complete program.